
Friday, 15 December 2017

Pro-Am Showdown #18 - Spotty Greetings

I actually made this card a little while ago and forgot that I hadn't posted it. I've pretty much finished making Christmas cards now - I'm still desperately trying to get them written and sent out!

This cards is for my self-imposed challenge , Pro-Am Showdown,  where I CASE a mass-produced card to make my own, amateur version.

Here's the card I cased:
The professional version
I used a Hero Arts spots stamp and some Avery Elle sentiments with glitter embossing powder for the 'happiest' and small spots of gold glitter. Sounds simple - but in fact this was my zillionth attempt as things kept going wrong! 

I'd like to enter:
The Male Room - although this was based on a card for a mum, I actually think the design works for a male Christmas card. 
Watercooler  all about occasions 
Sisterhood of Crafters  Christmas 
Addicted to Cas  sparkle 


  1. Again, I think yours is nicer - I prefer the spots not going edge to edge, it balances it better than the mass produced one x

  2. Oh how I love this card.... Definitely more beautiful than the original!!

  3. Yep loving yours the best too. Eye catching and classy x

  4. How creative ... love it! Thanks so much for joining us at The Sisterhood’s ‘Christmas’ challenge and please come back again soon!
    one of the 'Sistahs'
    The Sisterhood of Crafters
    DAR’S CRAFTY CREATIONS Please come for a visit!

  5. Hi Marina, I have to say that I much prefer your gorgeous CASE to the original, mass-produced card. Love the randomly sized circles and, of course, the way you've managed to fit the sentiment. Love the gold embossing. Great card! Thanks so much for joining our Watercooler Wednesday Challenge this week.

  6. Great card - I like your version better! It looks cleaner with less spots & the sentiment stands out more. Thanks for joining us at The Male Room Challenge Blog!

  7. Hi Marina. I'm liking your great CAS card and how you changed it up and made it your own by changing up the spots and adding such great sentiments. It's really beautiful and I imagine you had some stress trying to get it all perfect. But you managed and it's classy and beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing your creation at our Watercooler Wesdnesday challenge this week.

  8. I love this cas-sparkly card! Perfect :)

    Thank you for playing along with us at Addicted to CAS - Ellenor

  9. I like your beautiful festive card :-))
    Thanks for joining in with The Male Room.

  10. Trendy and cool, I think this turned out so well.

  11. Lovely card - beautifully CASEd. You're right - it's perfect for a masculine card too. Thank you for joining us at the Watercooler Wednesday Challenge and The Male Room - Charlotte/Lady Joyful, DT

  12. I think CASeing commercial cards is a fab idea and this one is definitely FAB. Thank you for joining us at TMR.


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