
Sunday 25 May 2014

May the Juice be with you

Just sharing how I customised this drink bottle for my Star-Wars-mad son. I downloaded two free fonts, one called Distant Galaxy and the other one a Star Wars dingbats font, containing the Darth Vader silhouette. I cut them out of blue vinyl on the Silhouette Cameo.


  1. This is awesome, Marina! My son is Star Wars mad too and would love this. :-)

  2. Fantastic Marina I am sure your son is thrilled with it

    Love Chrissie x

  3. Great idea! It got me thinking of my youngest nephew, he's 5 and a half, and he loves cartoons. He was going through his Lion King phase last summer. He was getting ready to dress for kindergarten and called to my sister: mum, where's my Lion King t-shirt? She replied: you don't have a Lion King t-shirt... He looked totally shocked, he could not believe he didn't have that! Those cartoon themed clothes are really hard to come by here in Norway (apart from Spider-Man), so I shop clothes with cartoon themes for birthdays and Christmas when I'm abroad. My nephews haven't reached the star wars phase yet, but I don't think it will take them long to get there now...

  4. Awesome!! Nothing like creating something personalized to make the 'young ones' feel special! My nephew, whose just two, is all about hockey, planes, Curious George and Cars (the movie). You've sparked some ideas...


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