
Friday 1 March 2013

Another tag

I seem to be having a tag craze....probably influenced by seeing the fantastic demos at the Paper Artsy stall at Stamperama last weekend.

I bought this Joy Crafts koi die at Stamperama, and the stamps, which are by Hampton Art. I used this colour scheme for Fashionable Stamping Challenges Red,black and brown challenge.


  1. A fantastic way to use your Koi stamp-love the colours you have used

    Best wishes Chrissie xx

  2. A fantastic tag with lovely details.
    Thanks for joining us at FSC this fortnight.
    xxx Ellie xxx

  3. You have used your new stamps and die brilliantly, a fabulous tag. Thanks for linking your lovely project to our FSC challenge.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  4. A wonderful tag. Thanks for joining us at Fashionable Stamping Challenges.


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