
Monday 2 May 2016

Make My Monday - Party Paraphernalia

Our challenge this week at Make My Monday  is to feature a party item on your project - here I've used a balloon and a party hat.

I made this card for a two-year-old-bear, using the bear and balloon from MFT, party hat from Clearly Besotted and a stray sentiment. The '2' stamp is by 7 Gypsies and I created the background with a spray ink.

I hope you'll come over to Make My Monday, see what the DT did, and join in the fun.

Edited to say - I didn't make it for a two year old BEAR!!!! It is for a two-year-old BOY of course!

I'd like to enter:
Lawnscaping  critters
Crafting by Designs  boys
Challenge up your Life critters
That's Crafty  go figure
Penny Black and More  anything goes


  1. It's a fabulous card Marina! Love the background you created

  2. I can now see it would have looked very funny with the bear having the hat covering his eyes -maybe you should have kept it that way! :) Such a cute card and I love the colours you've used.

  3. This is terrific Marina. I love the colours

    Chrissie xx

  4. How cute he is. Orange is a great color choice for a boy's card, they don't always need to be blue do they. Love the party hat you've added, it matches in size with the bear stamp.

  5. You have made a great fun card for a little one Marina.

    It's lovely to see you at Penny Black and More this month, many thanks for joining in.

    I have some Tattered Lace candy here

    B x

  6. What a fun design! Great color choices for the image!
    Thanks so much for joining us at Penny Black and More!

  7. aw! this is SO sweet! I just love that bear and how he's holding the #2 balloon! ha! so sweet! thank you SO much for playing along at the Lawnscaping Challenge! :)

  8. He's adorable! The Orange is a perfect color with this brown bear. Just adorable. Thank you for playing along with Lawnscaping Challenges.

  9. Hey Marina, such a sweet card! The bear looks so fun with his party hat! Thanks for joining us over at Challenge up your life!


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