
Sunday 24 March 2013

CD Sunday GDT - Bundle of Joy

This week's theme at CD Sunday is Bundle of new baby cards...unless you have a different interpretation of bundle of joy. (A package containing jewellery perhaps?!)

For my card, I found an elephant on Crafters' Companion Boys CD. I printed out a big one and layered parts of it up with 3d foam. The framed sentiment was on Polkadoodles Sundae of Seasons. It had some 2d embellishments in the top right hand corner that I didn't want to use, so I flipped the elephant and added it to the sentiment before printing.

Wherever you are, I hope you are keeping warm in this unseasonally cold and snowy (UK) weather. Why not stay home today and join in CD Sunday's great challenge?

I'd also like to enter this for:
Divas By Design Babies and toddlers
Cas-ual Fridays CAS no stamps  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is gorgeous Marina. I like how you've used the second elephant to make the sentment plate just how you wanted it.
    Beryl xx

  3. I love your card Marina, your elephant is super and I like how you chose to use a second elephant for the sentiment plate.
    Christine xx

  4. Hi Marina. A lovely fresh card and a spot on interpretation of the theme although I think I prefer your idea of a bundle of gems. Thank you for making such lovely cards for us.
    Carol xx
    Cd Sunday DT

  5. Cute card...darling sentiment!

    Thanks for joining the Diva's this week!

  6. Love your elephant images for your bundle of joy card. Lovely card using no stamps! Great job! Thanks for playing along with us this week at CAS-ual Fridays!

  7. Oh what cute little elephants on lovely gingham! A perfect new baby card. Michelle x

  8. I love how the little elephant is repeating above the words; the composition is well balanced; and in an unpredictable way, which makes it so interesting!

  9. This is so good, a perfect card for a little man, love it. xx


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